One week passes so fast... I didn't even realise it until a few days ago. Yeah, holiday is always my favourite time of the year, be it the long long end-of-sem holiday or shorter mid-term break.
Nowadays, holiday is obviously very different from my holiday during school days. Previously, holiday means don't need to go to school and don't need to wake up early in the morning. But now, holiday means I can come back to Penang!! I never know that my hometown is such a nice place before that - heaven of food and lots more!!
As I could remember, I practically "wasted" all my holidays watching movies, drama series and need not to mention, GAINING WEIGHT!! Sleep, eat, online, sleep, watch movie, sleep is my daily routine. 很废,对吧?
SPM starts today. To my bro, good luck and do study!!
New Year Resolution
8 years ago
3 footprints:
haha..i feel tat once enter college or university, the holiday is different fr those we enjoy during secondary school d...lik in my case, many of my frens r not in penang alredi, while some still busy studying while im holiday'ing..then new frens scattered everywhere around msia...haha
erm.. yeah, bt somebody is going 2 enjoy his holiday a lot dis time =P
Holidays are meant to be wasted.. Haha..
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