Lesson I learned today: Never ever arrange your timetable with Biology lab in the morning, and with classes coming after it.
Reason: Biology lab is tooo tiring...
As usual, the week started off with Biology lab on Monday morning. The very first shock our dearest demonstrator gave us was: Ehem, all prac workbooks have to be in this box (pointing at a box in his hand) at the end of this practical or you will get ZERO!! OMG!!! What?! Rewinding back to yesterday night: I was, I was... Well, practically copied everything from Campbell without actually understanding it!!! As a result, I didn't really know what I was writing... Arghh, no way!!! Luckily, this week's task wasn't hard, just a few slides to view under microscope and to prepare onion root tip to observe stages of mitosis. Eventually, I'm glad to say that I finished everything within the 3 hours given. Haha... BUT, I was so tired that I can hardly concentrate during Bioloy lecture (excuse huh...). =P
Refusing to give up my day so early, I went to the library to do some references for my essay. Quite satisfying after wasting some money photocopying. (So ironic...) Anyway, the weather just now was nice! Moderately cold wind does blow away half of my tiredness. Haha...
PS: Drosophila's chromosomes are gigantic!!! =)
New Year Resolution
8 years ago
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