Colour: Blue
I was so excited to see the leaves turning red, hahaha...
Colour: Green
I'm too happy, I'm too excited,
I MUST announce this to everyone:
I'm DONE with Bio prac for this sem!!!
Just to tell you how miserable I was at the prac just now. Although I learned about Mendel's Law like two three years ago and it shouldn't be any problem for me to arrange the karyotype and write a couple of sentences as explanation for the results I observed, I just screwed up the whole prac. Didn't really have mood for the last prac. OMG!
I was so sleepy and yes, it was the first time I used three hours to finish a prac. >.<
Anyway, I'm so glad that it's over now!!! HAHAHA...
Colour: Yellow
Colour: Green
Had a really really busy + hectic week loaded with test, tutorials and things-for-me-to-waste-time. Can't help it though. I started to admire myself for I can always find some time to be wasted everyday. Doing nothing on Friday isn't something new anymore.
Woke up neither too early nor too late, just nice. Then, I tried to look through some tutorial questions while eating breakfast before sitting for the Chem test. The test, argh!! I promised myself that I won't mention anything about it anymore. Don't think I will do well anyway. Haha... After the test, it was time to reward myself AGAIN. I did some shopping yesterday, and today as well. The net gain of the two-days-shopping spree are two cardigans, two jumpers, one scarf, one jenny opaque tights and two beanies. After much consideration, I decided not to add them into this month's expenditure. I know that I'm not honest to myself!! Arghhh... I just couldn't resist the 30% off temptation in Deborah K! I guess it was the first time I allowed myself to shop till I drop in Adelaide.
I attended a mourning ceremony for the earthquake victims in Sichuan at Victoria Square in the evening. It was very very cold as I only wore a pair of slipper and my sweater wasn't thick enough to keep me warm. I learned my lesson: don't ever play with the weather and don't forget to wear thicker clothes at night. Back to the ceremony, the scene was sorrowful. The pain experienced by the family members of the victims is really undescribable. I can do nothing but to pray for them, hoping that the deceased will rest in peace while the survived can have a brighter tomorrow. Let bygones be bygones and cherish every moment we have now. Life is short, but we can make a difference by living every second with gratitude and try our best to do good for the people around us. =)
=)=) Let's hope for a better tomorrow for everyone... =)=)
Colour: Green
We often hear people talking about how tedious Biology is, and how difficult it is to memorise the terms and to understand the complex biological processes in our body. Therefore, it is not surprising that many people will assume Biology to be a "dead" science.
No doubt, Biology is hard when it comes to memorising facts for the sake of exams. But, Biology is FUN, particularly in tiny stuffs like altering a base to get a completely new protein! Protein synthesis is not just about transcription and translation but a lot more, a bigger picture of it. Well, I may be lagged in this but I just realised that a DNA molecule can act as template for synthesis of more than one type of protein and yeah, it amused me! Haha... In addition to that, the addition of an O atom to deoxyribose can significantly change the whole molecule's stability. Oops, this may be a little towards understanding of chemistry. Haha, how wonderful life is with the combination of Biology and Chemistry working in harmony. If ever they ain't, you should be worried. =P
Anyway, fun and exams are not correlating. I still get frustrated when I couldn't finish revising for the exams or when there are never-ending tutorials and assignments to be completed as the due dates are drawing near.
PS: I had done my essay!!! This is such a goooood news!!! Haha... (putting aside concern about the quality of work that I produced though...) Perhaps little refinement here and there is necessary before I can hand in my essay... ^^
Colour: Studies
It had been a busy week,
and I know that
it's going to be another busy week ahead,
again, and again.
Sometimes I'm greedy,
I wish for a longer day;
a day with 24+1 hour
so that I can laugh out loud
sing with all of my heart
and do whatever I feel like doing.
I want to shop for some winter clothes
I wish for two things: time and cash
Completely indulged in the world of Muesli Bars,
of chocolate chips, strawberry and yoghurt...
Pancakes look tempting,
chocolates are irresistible,
cakes are my loved ones,
even breads can activate my salivary gland.
Food oh food...
Had been wondering round and round for an answer,
for confidence
for faith
for trust
for everything worthwhile.
I need to start doing my essay.
Go Go Go!!
Blog as I don't want to start writing the essay yet; the heavier the workload I have, the more I feel like engaging in wasting-time-activities.
Colour: Green
After much anticipation, this week is finally over, giving an end to Biology test and COMM presentation. Being too excited to welcome the weekend, I wasted the whole night doing nothing.
Thankfully, I attended Friday Dharma Class at City East Campus and the topic discussed was "Showing Compassion and Loving Kindness with Wisdom". Somehow, the topic sounded interesting and meaningful. For people who attempt to start practising compassion, he should direct it firstly to himself. He should also avoid directing compassion to the one that he loves or he hates and members of the opposite sex. =) I suppose the reason for it needs no further explanation. Conclusively, it's a long way to practise compassion and loving kindness; starting from oneself, and then to people that you respect, your friends (by treating everyone as your good friend), your enemies (by treating them as your friend), mankind and eventually, all living organisms in this world.
Moving on, the concept behind practising compassion and loving kindness with wisdom is to be reasonable, ie to to take into consideration the situation and the person whom you direct your compassion and loving kindness to. However, each situation varies and there is no explicit right or wrong for each decision made.
I guess this is the only beneficial thing I did yesterday apart from attending lectures in the morning. Haha...
*Needs to prepare for Chem test next week*Time to start my essay*Math assignment*Must pronounce "three", "the" and all the "th-s" correctly*
Hopefully, I will be able to complete all these tasks. ~Cheers~
Colour: Green
Colour: Red
Despite having tests around the corner, I joined the hiking trip organised by MySA to Morialta Conservation Park. I have no idea why Morialta was choosen out of the 300 parks and reserves in South Australia; however, I am glad that it turned out to be an interesting experience for most of us.
Briefly, I visited a few spots at the park before having barbeque at an expansive grassland near the entrance to the park. There were three waterfalls in the park, namely First Falls, Second Falls and Third Falls. Simple right? Haha... Also, there was "Giant Cave", although I personally think that the cave wasn't giant. Nonetheless, we took the longest walking trails throught almost every part of the park and it took us approximately 4 hours! (It was written there that four hours were needed but I didn't really check the time.)
Too tired to proceed anymore. My eyes are closing and my brain is in sleeping mode now... Good night!
Colour: Vacation
Dot one:
After whispering to herself asking why her contact lens case was so dirty, she wore the pair of lenses only to realise that it was her OLD pair of lenses. *Speechless*
Dot two:
Wondering which building was her COMM tutorial room, being lazy not to check earlier, she followed Chuen Lu and Zhi Hui to Playford building but in fact, the tutorial room was at Centenary building. *What?!*
Dot three:
She had her lunch at international student room at Playford building. Opposite her table was another group of students having lunch, one of them having a whole loaf of Woolies white bread while another one having a bottle of something. She thought they looked funny but she suppressed her laughter. At first, she assumed that the bottle was pasta spread which was to be used together with the loaf of bread, normal right? Hmm, okay... Suddenly, she saw one of them poured the bottle containing red liquid into his mouth. OMG!! The guy drank pasta spread!!! What was happening??? Then, another guy took the bottle and did the same thing. This time, she couldn't help but said in a loud-enough-to-be heard voice, "Hey, they drank pasta spread! Hahaha..." One of them stared at her. Guilty, she looked away. Later, she found out that it was not pasta spread but tomato juice. *Apalah, who is the fool this time???*
Colour: Green
Give me a test
Put it on the web
Passing it around
Telling me some more.
Give me some notes
Put it on the web
Just wanna make me feel guilty
Like I never did.
Touch the keyboard
Click on the homepage
Direct me to you
Oh my Biology.
Come on babe
Know you love me much
Come on and give me moment of peace!
Colour: Green
I felt sleepy during Biology tut just now.
I can hardly keep my eyes open during the tut.
I can't wait for that miserable one hour to pass.
I have sore throat.
I have slight headache.
I just don't feel well...
What is going on???
Colour: Green
Lesson I learned today: Never ever arrange your timetable with Biology lab in the morning, and with classes coming after it.
Reason: Biology lab is tooo tiring...
As usual, the week started off with Biology lab on Monday morning. The very first shock our dearest demonstrator gave us was: Ehem, all prac workbooks have to be in this box (pointing at a box in his hand) at the end of this practical or you will get ZERO!! OMG!!! What?! Rewinding back to yesterday night: I was, I was... Well, practically copied everything from Campbell without actually understanding it!!! As a result, I didn't really know what I was writing... Arghh, no way!!! Luckily, this week's task wasn't hard, just a few slides to view under microscope and to prepare onion root tip to observe stages of mitosis. Eventually, I'm glad to say that I finished everything within the 3 hours given. Haha... BUT, I was so tired that I can hardly concentrate during Bioloy lecture (excuse huh...). =P
Refusing to give up my day so early, I went to the library to do some references for my essay. Quite satisfying after wasting some money photocopying. (So ironic...) Anyway, the weather just now was nice! Moderately cold wind does blow away half of my tiredness. Haha...
PS: Drosophila's chromosomes are gigantic!!! =)
Colour: Green
每件事情的发生和因果息息相关,就好像自己品尝自己所种的果实。(You reap what you sow)所以发生任何不愉快的事情时,无需太执着,应该以平常心去接受。开心或不开心只是个人的想法,因为“镜缘无好丑,好丑在於心”(蕅益大師)。把世上的一切事物都想象得美好,就不会有“丑”,心也自然辽阔了许多。反之,把每件事情都想得很糟糕,就好像把自己推入痛苦的深渊,自寻烦恼。
“我們要做到純淨純善,一定要知道從自己內心裡面做功夫。佛法稱為內學,時時刻刻照顧自己,不要去看別人,要消除內心裡面的矛盾,你的心才會得清淨。”(佛陀教育雜誌 Vol. 259)
Colour: Green