Apparently, this is my 100th post. Read on but mind you, it has nothing special, nothing interesting and nothing other than normal. In this post, I would like to introduce my readers to someone called "ME".
Memories of ME of her first five years on this earth were vague. However, she strongly believed that they were the good ones and of course, the best ones she ever had. As young as she was, she had no worries as she couldn't understand the word "bad". She would smile to stranger and be pleased with just one tiny little sweet. But of course, there were times when she cried. She cried when she was hungry, or when her parents refused to buy her the barbie doll she liked. Smiles were easily seen on her face and sorrows faded away as fast as they came.
As she grew up, she learned how to talk. She could babble about anything under the sun that she came across. Although sometimes adults may not understand what she was talking about, they would give her a very warm-hearted smile. From toddling to walking, she encountered endless times of failure. Countless encouragement and support she had until eventually she can walk, run and jump wihout any difficulties. “喂喂 不要怕 你是好娃娃 自己跌倒自己爬...”,熟悉的音乐犹然飘荡在耳际,相信它也曾经是你童年的一部分吧!
Fighting - This is the most common similarity between siblings. ME also fighted with her brother, for toys especially. She is pleased to tell that most of the time, she was the winner. Haha, but not now though. Ain't it's true that sister used to bully brother?
As she reached schooling age, she was sent to a nearby kindergarten. She was a very shy girl and she seldom talked in the class. She only mingled with a group of close friends. Some may say that she was cool. As time past by, she finished kindergarten, primary and secondary school. Little did she know that it was almost time to leave her family and friends behind to pursue her so called dreams. There was no time for a rest, nor was there time for her to consider. Just go for it, this was what she thought.
Ten years back, she would not be able to imagine herself in this place, no matter how wild her mind could be, or how crazy her thought could go. Just let it be, haha...
New Year Resolution
8 years ago
5 footprints:
why there is such a great hiatus between ur kindergarden sch life until ur uni life, where are those between wor? haha
coz i lazy d, didn write.. haha
Wah at the start I was so excited thought someone going to write a detailed biography from year 0 right up to year 19.. Who knows.. Aih..
Happy 100th Post!
KH: haha, thank you very much for listening right til d end!! now i also very quiet 1, dun mislead d others ma... =P
XJ: patience is a virtue, haha...
KH: juz wan 2 tel u, act i wil b online most of d time tho i may appear offline bt most importantly, i wil b available 24-7 if u hv any problem. haha... this is wat friends are for right? haha...dun worry n cheers!! really thanks a lot for listening, haha...
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