The 99th Post

on Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Guess what?? It HAILED in Adelaide!!! Haha, witnessing small ice cubes pouring down as "rain" is something new for me. I nearly (note that it's just NEARLY) run out in joy. I felt like telling everyone: "Hey, it hails!!!" Everyone was so excited!! There was one thing that my friends didn't realise: When we were getting too excited about the hail, an old woman sitting at the bus stop opposite UV watched and smiled at us. She must be thinking that we were a group of "38" students. Haha... Too bad the ice cubes couldn't last long as it melted quickly. Come to think of it, it was so random that I went out to buy bread, escaped the rain and yep, it hailed!!!

A moment to ponder: Hail doesn't show any good sign anyway. Obviously, it's the result of global warming. Save our earth!!!

Besides that, Adelaide also opens my perspective on what we called "wind". When the weather forecast tells you that it's going to be windy tomorrow, you better BELIEVE it and wear more layers of clothes! Haha... Seriously, the wind is very STRONG. At some point, I thought it will blow me away, haha... I know it's silly anyway.

I had chicken curry as dinner today. Haha... Finally my crave for curry is being fulfilled!!

PS: This is the 99th post, haha... I'm anticipating the 100th post of my blog! =)

2 footprints:

Unknown said...

im anticipating ur 100th posts oso...lolz...
make it a meaningful one la...mayb can talk abt someone ler?

Jox hOnG said...

It hails!!! haha. And the wind does blowing me away sometimes. believe it!