
on Thursday, October 23, 2008

If ever I am presented with a question, there will be three possible responses:
Yes, no or I'm not sure.

Yes: Means I want something, or rather my view is more towards the particular direction

No: Means I prefer not to

I'm not sure/ Anything possible: It's a nicer way to say "whatever". It's either I have no comment on that matter or I don't care to comment. Get it?

The idea of being not assertive is someone who changes his/ her mind in split seconds. In short, it is being represented by the Chinese phrase "人云亦云".

Sometimes I just don't understand why humans see others' weaknesses but not theirs. I'm not hinting that I'm perfect anyway, I do have weaknesses. From time to time, I encounter situations where A is speaking ill about B but A himself has the same problem. Also, there are times when you meet people who will never accept their weaknesses. Orally they may say "Oh really? Ok ok, I will pay more attention to that in the future" but in their heart they are filtering out what you just said thinking "Ah, she is just too demanding" and repeats the same mistake again. On the other hand, there are also people who talk without processing what they say in their brains. *Reflective reaction perhaps*

The moral of the story: When you are pointing at someone, please remember that there are four other fingers pointing back at you. (I have four fingers pointing back at me now, *hit*)

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