
on Friday, July 4, 2008

The last paper of this study period --- COMM is scheduled on tomorrow. And, it's one day left before I can shout out the three-word-phrase I AM FREE!!!!

After COMM, we will be busy preparing for Hooi Lie's birthday on Sunday. *I'm soooo looking forward to the post-exam-and-birthday-party!!* UV 1005 is the host this time. =P

Due to that, I'm seriously moodLESS to study. HELP!!!

2 footprints:

~$ieW m3i~ said...

yesss i am sooo looking forward to it as well. finally, a different host this time. haha. i can't wait. hmm oh and btw, happy anniversary to you and you-know-who. see ya around. and hey, STUDY! don't be like me. oops. haha. =)

Te Ying said...

haha... oops, n u noe wat i meant... ahhhh, thanks anyway. haha...